AC/DC Guitarist Talks About Upcoming Box Set, Studio Album

September 25, 2009

A short audio interview/conversation with AC/DC guitarist Malcolm Young conducted by a fan earlier this week is available for streaming in the YouTube clip below. During the chat, Malcolm can be heard discussing the band's upcoming box set and plans for a new studio album.

As previously reported, AC/DC has launched a special web site,, featuring a countdown to an "exciting announcement" that will be made on September 29.

AC/DC is rumored to be releasing a box set later this year that will come in a package that doubles as a working amplifier. The set will contain three CDs, two DVDs and a vinyl record. One CD will contain studio rarities and the other two will feature live cuts, while the DVDs will contain the third volume of the band's "Family Jewels" video collections. The vinyl disc will hold the studio rarities. The set will also come with a 164-page book, three black-and-white lithographs of unpublished band photos from 1977, a flyer for a 1976 British tour and a poster from a 1977 European trek. The complete package will be sold only through AC/DC's web site, while a CD/DVD-only version called "Best Of The Box Set" may also be made available.

(Thanks: Gaël DT / eladreltuc /

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